My Unity Gaming Services stopped working even after upgrading from Legacy...


Has anyone experienced this before or solved it?

My Unity Gaming Services Analytics stopped working on 2 Feb because I was using legacy analytics.

I followed the Unity guide to upgrade to the new UGS and published it, but I’m still not seeing any stats display in my Unity Cloud dashboard (Analytics > Game Performance > DAU, New Users, etc.).

I basically installed the new UGS package, added a game object to the first scene that initialized the Analytics with this script attached to the game object:

using System;
using Unity.Services.Core;
using UnityEngine;

public class UGSInitializer : MonoBehaviour
    async void Awake()
            await UnityServices.InitializeAsync();
        catch (Exception e)

How do I fix this so that my analytics are working?

Hi @metalanca ,

For the SDK to start sending events. You need to add this call.


Information about initialising the Analytics SDK can be found at Unity SDK tutorials



It looks like that was the issue. I added that and it solved. Thank you!