My unity keeps opening another version

I downloaded two version of unity and the i try opening the one i originally had but instead it opens the one i didn’t want, then i look at unity hub and it says the one i wanted was opened even though it was not. I tried looking in my files to delete it but cannot find it. Idk what to do at this point I’ve even tried deleting unity itself and it won’t let me just saying a file is still working when nothing is open.

I’m not too sure, as I always open my projects with Unity Hub, and it will ask for whatever project you choose to which version you would like to open it with or update it to. I would spend a little bit of time within Unity Hub to find all the options to get it setup the way you like, and/or need :slight_smile:

*side note: if you have a shortcut, or icon within your start menu, it’s best to delete them, and replace, whenever you change/update versions. I had an issue with Blender once, and had to reset the shortcut.