My Unity / Xcode builds stopped creating an ipa with my custom icon and started using a generic one

Suddenly my Unity / Xcode builds stopped creating an ipa with my custom icon and started using a generic one. I didn’t change anything in the Unity project. In xcode I use Product->Archive and save it for ad-hoc or App Store. But the created ipa has that damn generic icon. Even building yesterday’s Unity project which was OK makes a damn ipa with a generic icon.

What the heck could cause this?

Ha! Seems that when the generic iap is put on the actual device (via TestFlight) that my custom icon is used. Hmmm. The only thing I did before I started seeing this weirdness was generate a new provisioning profile for App Store distribution. Up to that point I had only an ad-hoc distribution profile.

I’m happy as long as the correct icon is shown on device.