My UVC is set to Perforce but it pushes commits to Plastic scm

I have a small team that I’m setting up uvc for. I have perforce helix running on the cloud, I have the p4 client up and running, I can push and pull local changes to the helix server no problem with perforce selected in as the uvc in the unity editor.

When I download the project on another machine open it in unity, and setup the editor to connect to the stream on the helix server and push, the changes don’t go to the perforce server they go to the unity cloud/plastic repo.

My project settings in unity editor say Perforce and connected but the perforce server shows none of the changes.

If I open up the plastic scm client I can see them on the unity cloud.

How do I push my changes to the uvc that I have selected in the project settings?

Is there another place I need to specify the server other than project settings?

Thank you.