my wave spawner not working properly

Hi Ive been working on this 2D plants vs zombies style game and I’ve tried to design a wave spawner for it.
there is an array of waves that you can customize each one of, and you can also customize each praticular enemy spawn of each wave by a SpawnBlueprint that i made for it, that only contains the prefab to spawn and time after spawning it.
there is also a wave blueprint that contains an array of SpawnBlueprints and time After spawning the wave.
each enemySpawner is attached to a lane in my game, so you’re able to spawn the wave on different lanes.
There is the enemySpawner code, I’ll be glad for some suggestions.

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

public class EnemySpawner : MonoBehaviour {

public WaveBlueprint[] waves;

void Start(){
	SpawnWaves ();

IEnumerator SpawnWaves(){
	for (int i = 0; i < waves.Length; i++) {
		foreach (SpawnBlueprint blueprint in waves*.spawns) {*
  •   		SpawnEnemy (blueprint);*
  •   		//Time after spawning 1 enemy.*
  •   		yield return new WaitForSeconds (blueprint.timeBetweenSpawns);*
  •   	}*
  •   	//Time after spawning 1 wave.*

_ yield return new WaitForSeconds (waves .timeAfterWave);_
* }*
* }*
* void SpawnEnemy(SpawnBlueprint blueprint){*
* Instantiate (blueprint.prefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);*
* }*

Ive solved it!
just a dumb mistake of calling the SpawnWaves methos, i should have called it like this: