Okay! So this is the first public release of the game. This first release is a demo level. The idea is to launch a multi player multi level with 2 different gameplay styles.
Long time no post… I wanted to share a work in progress car game we are producing. It’s called My Web RC. We are working on car manouver first and will work on the game mechanic the days to follow.
nice. yeah ok NICE! gorgeous as always from you guys. totally cool! humble crits since you requested…
speed may be a bit fast. it’s good though. i like it and don’t really mean slow it down. i’m just thinking in the casual space the first 15 seconds matter. so maybe slower on the first level with speed boost incremented as levels progress or maybe boost pick-ups etc.
is there a course? i scored 0 (not many tries). not sure what the gameplay was. racing or cool jumps? maybe add coins or some icon for points? something to define the course. yeah maybe i should pay attention but again, i’ll say casual space.
the camera feels a little too close when i go full screen. i’m on 1920 x 1200. might be different on other settings.
the dreaded invisible barrier. put some art in those spots so that visually there’s a reason you crashed.
along those lines… while you do provide a way to get out of being stuck, i’d make a reset in some cases. kills too much time which becomes too big of a player penalty. casual players get sad.
if you haven’t yet, get a hotwheels game. sooo much like this. a lot of great stuff in there.
anyway, beautiful and works as intended here - i assume, worked perfect as i understand it. the vehicle handles great and the art design is top-notch. this’ll be a hit. congrats!
Thanks Pete! We are happy working on this. Gameplay will be built into the next days. We have some initial thoughts:
1 freestyle. It consists if making the longest jumps posible. Tokens are scattered providing extra turbo, time and 4wd.
2 challenge. We produce different routes with coins and the player must follow. We’re unsure if they should be in order or randomly.
3. Multiplayer racing. This happens outside the sandbox.
4. Multiplayer battle. There are two flags. One met get the oponent’s flag in kne’w antenna and bring it home.
5.Multiplayer Ball madness. The sandbox is filled with beach balls. Each team must touch a ball to own it, and push it to the oponents goal. If an oponent touches the ball it changes side.
We will work first in single player mechanics. Which of the two sounds more fun? Any suggestion to the mechanics?
NICE work! It looks great and the physics are a lot of fun, too.
I did get stuck a couple times, so you might want either an auto reset or a reset button. If you’re going to be in the air a lot, I guess auto reset may get a bit tricky to detect.
I like the idea of capture the flag and beach ball madness. Going the quirky, fun almost mini-game route and not just having your players racing around in circles or stopping at the sandbox would work really well for this, I think.
The camera bugged me a lot, to be honest, though. Whenever I went up a ramp, the camera ducked down sometimes into the ground … I would prefer the camera to stay at a fixed height from the car so that I can see the jump, and where the jump is taking me, better.
REALLY nice work, though. Looks great and has sooo much potential
Keep it up! Can’t wait to see where you take this next …
I’ll concentrate on a meaningful mechanic and fix usability issues on the side. Give a try to the c key to get other camera options. I was even thinking about a fixed camera just like in a real life RC situation.
The auto reset I don’t like it maybe I’ll time when the vehicle remain still for 3 seconds or so and launch a window offering to pause, quit or restart. Opinions? The other idea is enhancing the L key and turn it into a hand icon that acually picks up the car and drops it nearby.
a few minor details can you make the control for turbo closer to the aswd keys like q because I have a hard time using one hand to press t and keep my other one on the brake. It feels odd with my thumb on the brake and my index finger on the t 3 letters/keys away. Good job though but make it so that there are tricks!
At first i was about to suggest a multiplayer mode of some kind, but i thought maybe it was too much. After that, i read that you have it already on the discussion table. That’s great!
From the two SP modes you mention, if we had to choose, i would prefer the one with collecting coins (randomly placed sure will add great replayability). And a second free roam mode with nothing but just messing around, as a small addition.
As for multiplayer, i guess it’s a bit early to make suggestions, so i’ll keep them to myself for the time being…
Things i didn’t like? Other than the recovery problem already mentioned, i don’t feel anything else is wrong. Well, maybe add some details in the background, next to the house? Feels a bit empty. It’s your call…
Don’t know how your stage is set up, but maybe bring the slider down for performance could also pop the far background geometry right out. My old MacBook with the GMA 950 was playing fine in an earlier version, now it is hard to play. (I really have no idea if knocking the background out would help much, but it is useless to the game, so… )
Anyway, very cool and I like the guidance arrows that change color. Gives you a goal.
The levels looking really good now. Maybe the spec on the cans is a little too bright.
One thing that feels really strange is the physics for the car. It feels as if it’s trying to self correct itself into an upright position all the time and also feels like it’s steering from the rear wheels?
First, let me say that this is fantastic work. I hate car games and was glued to this one for an hour. I had a bit of criticism, but you worked most of the issues out in the latest build. The only thing I would mention is the paths. While they are a great idea, they are a bit too easy. Currently, you do not have to follow a path to complete it, you can just hit sections at a time over the course of the level. My recommendation would be to reset of path if it hasn’t been used in a few seconds. That should make it more like “following a path” but still make it completable if you get off course a bit. Again great work, I was absolutely blown away.