My webm video didn't work in a game build (windows) but worked perfectly in Unity

Hi, I have an animation with transparency, no sound and I use a webm video with a VP8 codec. My animation works perfectly in Unity, but if I make a build of my game, the webm video didn’t show up and I have this issue : “Error : Unable to open Assets/VFX/myVideo.webm " with " mkvparser::EBMLHeader::Parse() failed”.

I tried many thing to solve the issue : I made a StreamingAssets folder in Assets and put my video in it but it made the same issue like in my build. I tried to install IL2CPP with Unity modules to convert my script but I didn’t succeed to make a simple build. I tried to look at the player parameters and change some things but it didn’t work.

Did someone have the same issue one time ? Do I have a parameter to check in ?

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Even if I succeeded to make a build in IL2CPP, it did the same error. If someone can help me

Ok, I solve my problem. For the future, don’t try to read your video with an URL in your script - it didn’t work at the end.
Just put your video in the video player and play it with your script.