My Window->Text Mesh Pro menu is missing. How do I get it?

I want to add some TextMeshPro text to my scene. I’m running Unity 2018.1.6f1.

When I search for the Text Mesh Pro components, they are not in the component list. I went to go import them from Window–>Text Mesh Pro–>Import TMP Essential Resources like the manual says:

But there is no Text Mesh Pro option in the Window menu. How do I get TextMeshPro into my scene?

I had to go to Window–>Package Manager then select the TextMeshPro package, and click install. After that I had the Window–>TextMeshPro submenu.

@v-ercart TextMesh is missing in my packages.
How can I reinstall it?

I’m just about to throw a fit.

I have no Window → TMpro option.
I have no TMPro package in either the Built-in section or the Unity Registry section of the package manager.

How the F do I get TMpro installed without these?