Some command line args are not working in Unity 5.5 Win10 x64.
“MyGame.exe -adapter 1/2/3/etc” doesn’t do anything like it used to.
Some command line args are not working in Unity 5.5 Win10 x64.
“MyGame.exe -adapter 1/2/3/etc” doesn’t do anything like it used to.
In D3D9 or D3D11 or D3D12?
In D3D11.
Seems odd a graphics API would have anything to do with Window placement.
I’ll make a bug report.
EDIT: I cannot reproduce it on 5.5.0f3. The behaviour seems to be identical to both 5.3 and 5.4 - that is, it only works when application is in exclusive fullscreen (just like it is outlined in the docs).
I see, well we needed this argument for non-exclusive no dlg builds that get launched from another application.
I’ve made a C# plugin version instead.