Name above object

Is there a way to show the name of an object above it?

Use a GUIText, or a 3D Text component attached to a GameObject.

Then to position the text, you’d either (in C#):

For GUIText:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class MyEnemyName : MonoBehaviour {
    public Transform enemy; //enemy's transform
    public Vector3 positionOffset = Vector3.up; //offset relative to enemy's origin, so it doesn't, say, draw the text at the enemy's feet

    public void Update() {
        //keep in mind this needs special code if your enemy is behind the camera
        transform.position = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(enemy.position + positionOffset);

For 3D Text:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class MyEnemyName : MonoBehaviour {
    public Transform enemy; //enemy's transform
    public Vector3 positionOffset = Vector3.up; //offset relative to enemy's origin, so it doesn't, say, draw the text at the enemy's feet

    public void Start() {
        //keep in mind 3D Text draws on top of everything, 
		//unless you use the 3D text shader from here:
        transform.position = enemy.position + positionOffset);
		transform.parent = enemy;