NAT Punchthrough failed

Hey guys,

I’m doing some simple networking, with a master server setup. Do players need to be outside of a router to run a server? I keep getting this error when someone else tried to join my game:

Receiving NAT punchthrough attempt from target 612490390023824356 failed

This is my code :

    var playerPrefab : GameObject;
var gameName : String = "TestGameName";

private var refreshing : boolean;
private var hostData : HostData[];

private var btnX : float;
private var btnY : float;
private var btnW : float;
private var btnH : float;

function Start () {
	btnX = Screen.width * 0.05;
	btnY = Screen.width * 0.05;
	btnW = Screen.width * 0.1;
	btnH = Screen.width * 0.1;

function StartServer () {
	Network.InitializeServer(32, 25000, true);
	MasterServer.RegisterHost(gameName, "Test Game", "This is a tutorial game");

function RefreshHostList () {
	refreshing = true;

function Update () {
	if (refreshing) {
		if (MasterServer.PollHostList().Length > 0) {
			refreshing = false;
			hostData = MasterServer.PollHostList();

function SpawnPlayer () {
	Network.Instantiate(playerPrefab, spawnObject.position, Quaternion.identity, 0);

function OnServerInitialized () {
	Debug.Log("Server initialized!");

function OnConnectedToServer () {

function OnMasterServerEvent (mse : MasterServerEvent) {
	if (mse == MasterServerEvent.RegistrationSucceeded) {
		Debug.Log("Registered server!");

function OnGUI () {
	if (!Network.isClient && !Network.isServer) {
		if (GUI.Button(Rect(btnX, btnY, btnW, btnH), "Start Server")) {
			Debug.Log("Starting Server");
		if (GUI.Button(Rect(btnX, btnY * 1.2 + btnH, btnW, btnH), "Refresh Hosts")) {
		if (hostData) {
			for (var i:int = 0;i < hostData.length; i ++) {
				if (GUI.Button(Rect(btnX * 1.5 + btnW, btnY * 1.2 + (btnH * i), btnW * 3, btnH * 0.5), hostData*.gameName)) {*

_ Network.Connect(hostData*);_

I get similarly strange NAT punch through issues. If I host the game on my machine inside my firewall it works. BUT if I host the game on an iPhone on a 3G network, then it fails. My guess is the carrie (Rogers)r is not allowing the server to punch through their firewall. The irony is that I can probably get around it by running the proxy server (this will be by next attempt) so that the 3G machine will be able to host but at the cost of a lot more bandwidth - dumb cellular network operators!