I’ve been getting reports of Unity Reporting with the Native Crash - KiUserExceptionDispatcher error for several days now.
The crash is very difficult to replicate, some players get it in the Main menu, others during the game while others never get it.
About the specifications (according to unity reporting) there is nothing interesting, it happens to players with High-end and Low-ends PC’s.
As for possible solutions, I have tried A LOT of things, all to no avail.
Some of the things I tried:
-Disable native dlls
-Build with Mono / ILCPP
-Build with .net 2.1 / .net framework.
-Build With/without burst
-Build with/without incremental GC.
-Increase editor from 2022.3.13 to 2022.3.29
Something that crossed my mind recently and I didn’t test it yet: Can the same unity crash reporting be the cause?
I attach some of the latest tracktrace of the crash in question.
9849111–1417833–Native StackTrace 3.txt (42 KB)
9849111–1417836–Native StackTrace 1.txt (51.5 KB)
9849111–1417839–Native StackTrace 2.txt (57 KB)