Native Crash on iOS when loading Asset Bundle in Unity 2018

Hi All,

after upgrading a project from Unity 5.6 to 2018.2, we started to experience random native crashes only on iOs and only when loading an Asset Bundle.

This happens with all Asset Bundles, not just one in particular, and, of course, we already rebuilt all bundles with the new Unity version (even re importing every single asset inside the new Unity).

Attaching Xcode, the crash appears to be a “EXC_BAD_ACCESS” in the UnityPreload thread.

Without bundles the crash does not happen.

Does anyone of you have an idea of what might cause this issue or have you ever experienced this yourself?

Attachment: last logs and error message. Of course the size of the bundle we are trying to load is much smaller, so the error seams to be wrong.

4162906–367432–Error Message.txt (1.78 KB)


it would be interesting to know why native unity stuff makes your application crash without explanation :roll_eyes:


I also need it!

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According to the attached file the crash happen because of out of memory. The problem can be the compression used when building asset bundles or the way you try to load them. Give more details about that maybe someone can help you