my game is experiencing some native crashes on iOS from many different devices. The unity performance reporting sends the message “Native Crash - <symbols missing for uuid: 4feef9f79a9e35bdb012e28c6890993a> (Unknown File)”. It also appears with different uuid numbers. For this specific error the stack trace was the following:
I would like to know about this as well… do we necessarily need to build with “Slow and Safe” to get useful infos? We are getting the exact same kind of native stack trace (and no managed stack trace), which doesn’t really help a lot. What should we do differently in our build to get more useful data? Slow and Safe? Full logging? Not really an expert in this regard unfortunately.
I spoke to a Unity engineer and in my specific case he told me that the issue could be the version of Unity I was using. He said that what should happen is that when you are uploading your game to the app store, it should automatically upload the dSYM simbols file generated to the unity servers, allowing performance reporting to “translate” the errors into the right symbols. However, he mentioned they made some fixes to the whole process in v562, which I was not using, and in my specific case what happened is that the upload for some reason failed. He also said they are looking into allowing users to upload the symbols file by hand but it is not possible yet, but, in theory, it is not necessary to do slow and safe builds or anything else, it should just work. I’ve made a new release recently with version 2017, will see if that works.
You need to download the dsym and then drag the crash report to the device logs window, then select re-sym log file, this way you will at least get a more explanatory log… sorry I can’t help on your specific error. Or if your crashes are directly available in XCode, much easier.