Native Emoji

See my [reply]( Migrating from Legacy / Asset Store to Package Manager Releases page-6#post-3685945) to your other post about this.

In short, you can assign Unicode values to the sprites in the Sprite Assets and as such as these Unicode values are typed on a device / keyboard, the appropriate sprite / emoji will be displayed without having to use the tag.

BTW: Sprite assets are now part of the fallback system so when a Font Asset doesn’t include a certain character, TMP will search the following resources in the following order.

  1. Primary Font Asset.
  2. Recursively through the fallback font assets assign to the primary.
  3. The Sprite Asset assigned to the text object and any fallback sprite asset potentially assigned to it
  4. The general fallback font assets assigned in the TMP Settings.
  5. The sprite asset and its potential fallbacks assigned in the TMP Settings
  6. The default font asset
  7. Missing character.