See my [reply]( Migrating from Legacy / Asset Store to Package Manager Releases page-6#post-3685945) to your other post about this.
In short, you can assign Unicode values to the sprites in the Sprite Assets and as such as these Unicode values are typed on a device / keyboard, the appropriate sprite / emoji will be displayed without having to use the tag.
BTW: Sprite assets are now part of the fallback system so when a Font Asset doesn’t include a certain character, TMP will search the following resources in the following order.
- Primary Font Asset.
- Recursively through the fallback font assets assign to the primary.
- The Sprite Asset assigned to the text object and any fallback sprite asset potentially assigned to it
- The general fallback font assets assigned in the TMP Settings.
- The sprite asset and its potential fallbacks assigned in the TMP Settings
- The default font asset
- Missing character.