Native UI Plugin for Unity

Were you looking for a plugin to design native UI in your Unity iOS / Android applications ? We’ve got you covered!

here is the unity store download link: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

What else have we got? Well, you can now add native iOS / Android UI views. With easy integration, you can now show native UI elements like text fields, labels and buttons in your Unity UI with all the triggered events and call-backs. That’s right, Buttons!

You want more? There is more:

  1. Add native UI Labels.
  2. Add native Buttons with button click event.
  3. Add native Textfields with all events like text-change , focus-in, focus-out, get-text and password field support with hint-text as well and so much more.
  4. Add native TextViews for multiline support (iOS only).
  5. Horizontal / Vertical scrollviews (Android does not support horizontal scroll view yet).

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Visit our website for more Unity tools and plugins.

Known Issues:

  1. Numeric characters for Nexus devices in password field won’t work. (Android native issue).
  2. Multiline textfield is not supported in Android (Native android issue).

Can the native labels can be selectable?