NativeParallelHashMap and TryGetValue

Shouldn’t, Struct NativeParallelHashMap<TKey, TValue> | Collections | 1.4.0, return false if there is no entry?

I know there is the ContainsKey method but whats the reasoning behind not giving TryGetValue a false return value? It makes us have to right two lines instead of one :thinking:

The method should already work the way you described. If you see deviation from that, show some repro code and say the versions of Unity and the collections package in use.

Alrighty, I guess I have a weird bug then. God I hate this job system stuff.

Care to elaborate?

Sorry I mean I’m probably doing something stupid. I’ve never had this much trouble learning a new software.

The learning curve is admittedly pretty tough, but for me it was still the best way into C-like-except-not-as-inconvenient low-level programming I could find. If there are specific problems you’re encountering, post the error message or a more detailed description of the issue.

Apart from sporadic edge cases and bugs, Burst/Jobs are just a subset of C# with some bonus data structures, which makes things easy to navigate if you’re familiar with .NET. All of the IDE tools should work exactly the same, etc.