Nature Renderer: Better terrain detail rendering ✅ PBR ✅ Custom Shaders ✅ Shadows ✅ Wind ✅ SRP

Great news, one question is Universal render pipeline support also on the roadmap?


Yes, it is. Nature Renderer itself should already work, but I still have to port the wind shaders.

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Fantastic, and all for free ! thank you for making this

I guess I was the first to leave a review. This is exactly what I would have expected from unity to do… AGES AGO!!!.. thanks for doing this. I would have gladly paid for that, just so you know :slight_smile:


He can trade ya for your characters

Just waiting for HDRP support :slight_smile:

Its already supported

Thank you! I am glad to hear that you like Nature Renderer :slight_smile: If you want to help support us please consider sharing on social media and/or checking out Open World Nature Kit. That way we can keep Nature Renderer free.

Full support is coming with version 1.1 (although you can mostly get it working with the current version)

Looks like it will be ready by the end of the week. Plus maybe a few days until the update is live on the store. (Let me know if you want to give it a try earlier and I can send you a preview version)

I’ve just tried the version on Asset Store and it seems like it is giving dll errors…I am assuming this will be resolved when 1.1 is released so I will keep an eye out for this asset until then.

Also, it seems like there is a paid version, or a more complete version that includes this asset, can I safely assume that this will also support HDRP?

Either way, thanks for the great asset, the description alone is promising!

Yes, the errors should be resolved. I have just uploaded version 1.1 with support for HDRP, LWRP, and URP. It should be available within the next few days.

And yes, the paid asset also supports HDRP. (It is a collection of models and shaders to build your world, so it is a separate asset and not a variation of Nature Renderer. Just to clarify) I’ll be uploading LWRP and URP versions for that one as well in the next few days.

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I would like to set the detail distance to a higher value than 150, can you enable this?

A test scene


I’ll see if I can change it. 150 was Unity’s limit but it shouldn’t be an issue to change it I think.

Looking good!

Version 1.1.0 has just been published with full support for the High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP), and Universal Render Pipeline (URP). As well as full Level-of-Detail (LOD) support for terrain details. You can download the latest version from the Asset Store or from the menu in Unity:
Window > Nature Renderer > Check for Updates


Great news!

I got one error, I can click it away, but I’m not sure what it is for
I’m on a Mac, with unity 2018.4.11f1 default render pipeline

Thank you for reporting this error. It looks like it is a small error that occurs when changing the prefab of a detail object that does not have LOD. It is safe to ignore for now and I’ll upload a patch soon. You should be able to make the error go away by re-opening the scene.

I’m using unity tree creator trees.

Could be related to this?

Version 1.1.1 has just been published. You can update by going to:
Window > Nature Renderer > Check for Updates

The new version will be live on the Asset Store within a few days (probably after the weekend). It is recommended to update through the built-in updater as it will download the correct assets for your render pipeline.


  • Density now matches with Unity’s default detail density.
  • You can now use the density slider in the terrain settings to increase/decrease detail density.
  • Fixed a NullReferenceException when changing the prefab of a detail object. ( @Lars-Steenhoff this should fix your error)
  • Fixed an exception when GPU Instancing is not enabled for a material.
  • Increased maximum detail rendering distance to 350. ( @Lars-Steenhoff as requested :slight_smile: )
  • Fixed issue where painting details in HDRP would disappear if the target strength was less than 1.