Navigation statics


I have a problem here.

I animated my main character and is working. It walks run and jump however it goes across walls.

As in every single video I watch in unity tutorials I put a navigation static in every single wall and game object that the main character can not go across. But he does.
The main character has a rigid body but the wall and other gameobjects do not have a colliders or other things like that.
I don’t really understand what i did wrong or what I miss? Script ? other things I am not aware?

I really hope someone can help me

Thanks in advance


It seems that you are really confused about this :slight_smile: (sorry)

a few things though:

  1. If you intend to make a wall that is impenetrable, you need to add a Collider of some sort.
  2. Navigation is a completely different topic and would require that you first bake a navigation mesh and add a NavMeshAgent to e.g. your player. (This may be too advanced for you to grasp at this time - save it for some other time :slight_smile: )
  3. The rigidbody of the player should not be kinematic…

Hope this helps :slight_smile: