Navigation stuck in jump

“Everything was working fine”

We had our characters happily walking around when our terrain was flat and doing the correct animations all we had to tweak was the Base Offset on the navmesh agents, making it -0.2 and all seemed fine.

I moved to a new map today with a little more detail but still just mainly flat plains with small steps, at first my characters would walk until they reached a small step and then get stuck in a jump animation, but still continue moving to their locations, clipping through the terrain ever so slightly in the process.

I added a height map and that seems to fix the clipping problem and move the character to the height of the next step up in terrain(pavement/curb) but now my character is back to being stuck in the jump animation.

I’m presuming I’ve missed something on the navigation but I am completely lost.

Any help appreciated.

I don’t think your character getting stuck to jump animation has anything to do with navigation or Navmesh.

You probably have some code that detects if the character is touching ground, and when you cross that small pavement edge, your character leaves the ground (that’s how your code probably sees it). And for some reason which I’m not going to guess (might be many) your ground collision is not detected there.

So check where you test your grounded status and when you set a boolean to your Animator that controls the current animation state. And also check how you have configured your surfaces. Are you using Tags or Layers to detect collision or what, and if the environment items are configured according to your plans.

Thank you, got distracted with another task so I will check that out later on. I am just using the standard Thirdperson scripts and animator at the moment apart from a few minor modifications. Is it the ground check distance I need to tweak in third person character? Increase I gather?