I’ve run into a rather irritating issue with my AI enemies.
what’s happening is that in the single frame after spawning, some (and only some) enemies will instantly change their position.
ive made sure that they are spawning within the nav mesh, and that the position is definitely not being set in code.
it seems like the problem is coming from the navmesh agents path finding, as if they are trying to resume their old path even though ive definitely called both Stop() and ResetPath() and even giving them new targets upon spawning.
i assume that the solution is something obvious, and im simply using the nav mesh system wrong.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
here is a screenshot of the scenario:
also here is the Spawn() and Kill() methods that are used for resetting the enemies.
very little of it is relevant though.
void Kill(){
//variable resets
rigidbody.mass = 10;
dead = true;
canMove = false;
targeting = false;
targetArrow.renderer.enabled = false;
mesh.renderer.materials = new Material[] {deadMat, deadMat};
track1.emissionRate = 0;
track2.emissionRate = 0;
CameraManager.Shake(20f, 20);
//death effects
Network.Instantiate(deathExplosion, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, 0);
GM.MM.networkView.RPC("SetDead", RPCMode.All, new Vector3(Stg.Get<int>("index", settings), 1, 0));
Instantiate(deathExplosion, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
Instantiate(deathExplosion2, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
//versus extra
if(Stg.mode == 1){
Stg.IncreaseStat("kills", 1, damageOwner.stats);
Stg.IncreaseStat("score", 10, damageOwner.stats);
Stg.IncreaseStat("deaths", 1, stats);
HUDManager.HM.hudM.showKillInfo(Stg.GetString("name", settings) + " was killed by " + Stg.GetString("name", damageOwner.settings));
respawnReset = Stg.Get<float>("respawnTime", Stg.gameS);
if(Stg.Get<int>("index", settings) == GM.masterPlayerIndex){
GM.cam.SetTarget(Stg.Get<int>("index", damageOwner.settings));
GM.hud.hudM.showDeathScreen = true;
//survival extra
if(Stg.Get<bool>("useMobDensity", Stg.gameS)){
GM.mobDensity -= Stg.Get<int>("densityValue", settings);
if(Stg.mode == 2){
GM.SrM.waveProgress += Stg.Get<int>("waveProgressValue", settings);
void Spawn(){
//variable resets
respawnReset = -10;
moveSpeedChange = 1;
rigidbody.mass = 1;
canFire = true;
dead = false;
canMove = true;
canDamage = true;
if(Stg.Get<bool>("useMaxHealth", settings))
Stg.Set("maxHealth", "" + Stg.Get<int>("startingHealth", Stg.gameS), settings);
health = Stg.Get<int>("maxHealth", settings) * Stg.Get<float>("healthModifier", Stg.gameS);
maxHealth = health;
//versus extra
transform.position = GM.GetSpawn(settings);
if(Stg.Get<int>("index", settings) == GM.masterPlayerIndex){
GM.cam.SetTarget(Stg.Get<int>("index", settings));
GM.hud.hudM.showDeathScreen = false;
//survival extra
if(Stg.Get<bool>("useMobDensity", Stg.gameS)){
GM.mobDensity += Stg.Get<int>("densityValue", settings);
Instantiate(spawnEff, transform.position + Vector3.up*1, Quaternion.identity);