NavMesh link with the terrain

What is the proper way of setting up the navigation on a ramp you instantiate on terrain?


  1. I could rebake everything, but this looks like an overkill for just one ramp.
  2. I could use navmesh surface on a prefab with a link, but there must be a custom logic to detect the point of intersection between the ramp and the terrain.

I wish there was something like partial navmesh re-baking within a certain area, or a reverse navmesh obstacle that would merge with the navmesh on runtime.

What is the best practice for this case?

Good day.

What version of unity are you using?

In 2017 version was not posible to bake navmeshareas during gameplay (without some user-created addons). In new versions (not sure) is now possible to rebake durring runtime.

If you are using some late version, you need to look for this unity tutorial:
