Navmesh on mobile and tablets

Before I start diving into unsing Navmesh, I just wondered if someone could offer some advice.

Is navmesh really viable for mobile devices?

My scenes will tend to have few static obstacles (or none), and only a handful of dynamically placed obstacles on a flat plane. Is it worth using Navmesh or should I just create my own simple navigation code?

ie does Navmesh come with a large processing overhead for such a simplistic scene?

Thanks for your time.


Navmesh is very fast and well optimized…implementing your own navigation is going to be more complicated. but it may depend on what kind of game you are working on.

if you want another solution you can try this
has paid and a well featured free version

or even this

Thanks for the help!

Do you think is it good choice for tower defense games? imagine 20-30 of enemies calculating path for their navigation at same time …