NavMesh, simple questions

Hi guys, I was taking a look at this great feature but I’m not sure about a couple things.

  • Every tutorial about the NavMesh shows objects moving on a plane/terrain/whatever. Is that a required component? Can I use the NavMesh in a zero-gravity tridimensional space?
  • As far as I know, I need to bake static objects in my scene. Imagine a space scene with 200-300 randomly instantiated asteroids: they’re not “in the scene” but just instantiated when the level starts (so they can’t be baked)… How can I do in this case?

For your first question, answer is no. You need something to bake a NavMesh, but you can use invisible planes or objects for this.
2nd question, you should use NavMesh Agents or NavMesh Obstacles for asteroids, by this way, they can avoid these kind of objects.