Having real problems seeing where I can define multiple navmeshes with a different radius. For example I have vehicles, small characters and large characters, so I need 3 navmeshes per scene I suppose?
I use NavMesh.CalculatePath to generate the path because I prefer to move agents myself (they’re all physics based and need that interaction at all times).
But apparently there is only one navmesh baked into the scene? I must be stupid because I doubt Unity would be this short sighted, so any advice is welcome, thanks!
The ability to only bake one mesh is a design flaw.
Currently the approach to filter different sized agents would be to use the navigation layer / area / whatever they’re calling it in 5 - system for segmenting where masked agents can navigate.
While internally handled as such, it is not as powerful a pattern as straight up allowing multiple navmesh bakes in a scene. This should be on the way, but that obviously doesn’t change things now. Layers should handle your present scenario though.