The nav mesh worked perfectly while I was using version 2021.2.10, but after I switched to 2022.2.17, the “bake” option stopped working. I dont see the blue arrea anymore and get an error "SetDestination can only be called on an active agent that has been placed on a NavMesh."(even though I did not move the npc and it stands inside the nav mesh surface). Also I get an error "NevMeshExtension requires a NavMeshSurface component". I
ve attached a screenshot of my test scene
i am seeing this as well. I create a terrain object and add a navmeshsurface to it and bake it and it crashes the Unity UI…occasionally i get the same error as OP. But most of the time it just hangs and locks up unity.
ok fixed my issue - maybe this will help OP. When i clicked my game object \ NaveMeshSurface \ Object Collection \ Collect Objects: I picked Current Object Hierarchy. The entire Terrain baked in miliseconds and everything is good on my end. Maybe this info will help you, good luck!
Thanks for sharing, but it did not help me:( Still trying to figure it out
In case trueBakaDev sama is still dealing with this, here I got a feedback from 2D NavMesh Plus thread that the new Unity Navigation.AI in version 2022 mess up the classes names.
In my case it will works if i use the latest version NavMeshPlus 0.2.16 together with Navigation.AI 1.1.4, with components “NavMesh Surface” changed to “Navigation Surface” and “NavMesh Modifier” changed to “Navigation Modifier” attached to the objects.
Hope this information can help.