NavMeshAgent hindered by rigidbody

I have enemies with NavMeshAgents attached.

I want the enemies to collide with one another, and so I have rigidbodies attached. This works. However, they will not go over slopes with rigidbodies attached, but will if I make them kinematic or disable the rigidbodies altogether, but this causes them to intersect each other. Any ideas?

I solved the issue.

The box collider on my enemies was not behaving itself. It was almost like the corner of the box was ‘digging into’ the ramp, preventing the enemy from moving up. Switching to a capsule collider and fiddling with the NavMeshAgent’s base offset solved the problem.

If you are using Unity 5 you may want to read this section in the docs:

“Using NavMesh Agent with Other Components”

If both NavMesh Agent and Rigidbody
(non-kinematic) are active at the same
time, you have race condition

Both components may try to move the agent at the same which leads to

undefined behavior

It could be related to the problem you were seeing.