NavMeshAgent priority levels quantity is too small

Hi, is there any way to increase the NavMeshAgents priority level above 99? I need it for making an RTS with hundreds or thousands of units on screen. I want to use it to make units not overlap in various situations. 100 positions is also very bizarre, it’s and Integer, so why only 100 values?

I have made various systems such as moving in formations or keeping group shapes, moving around corners with a random distance for big groups, etc…

But it’s still not enough. For example a group of units attacking a single unit ends up having all units overlap pretty hard. If units that are closer to the target had a higher priority, it would reduce the overlap significantly. But I need to have 100.000 to 1.000.000 priority levels to an achieve this.

Thanks for your time!

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The problem is not the number of missing priorities. The avoidance implemented is just not good enough to handle a lot of agents.

If you are planning to make a full-blown RTS I would recommend going with either A* Pathfinding Project or Agents Navigation when you want to stick to the Unity internal navigation mesh creation.