I have noticed a problem with NavMeshAgents in 5.6b6 and b9. The radiuses and heights of the agents do not update properly in NavMeshAgent instances; they only seem to affect the actual baking of the navmesh. Case in point:
This creates problems for avoidance of other agents. There is lots of inter-penetration between agents, because they all think their radius is the default 0.5.
I’ve also noticed that in the new NavmeshComponents examples project, in the scene “1_multiple_agent_sizes”, they avoid this problem by using the super-bad-and-dangerous practice of scaling the agent GameObjects directly to fit the agent sizes that they have entered in the “Agents” panel, which is not a good solution in most real-life scenarios.
Is there a fix (or a decent workaround (or something I didn’t understand correctly)) for this?