NavMeshSurface at runtime - agent not on surface?

Tried generating navmeshsurface at runtime using the tutorial script

Warped agent to mesh position. SetDestination never seems to work?

“SetDestination” can only be called on an active agent that has

Sanity check: baking navmesh in editor works, just not at runtime/play mode.

Try to disable the NavMeshAgent, move it near the NavMesh and then enable it again. It should then work to call SetDestination.


Download the High Level NavMesh Building Components (Unity - Manual: NavMesh building components) available for download on GitHub at and install them into your project. From there use a NavMeshSurface to create your NavMeshes (yes that’s plural) at runtime. A pretty thorough overview of this is given by Mike Geig at the Unite Europe 2017 event, here’s the YouTube link, Unite Europe 2017 - Finding the path: New navigation features - YouTube. – Hope this helps =)