Need a control design for a transforming home.

Watch the vid below on you tube, just the first 10 seconds is what I’ m after, I want the player to control the actual transformation of the home. It may sounder harder but I want the way you move the controls to go along with the movement and feel of the transformation.

For example, the first thing to come down is the left and right walls at the same time.
So the controls may have a dragging downwards movement to it.
Also the left mouse button could represent the left wall and right mouse button represent the right wall,
so if I hold one button and drag the mouse downwards one wall may come down.

What control design could you come up with?

That video is cool. And, I don’t understand what you’re asking.

I amuse your a arc visual field . Most user will struggle with “complex” controls (apparently 3 buttons is complex).

Depending on the platform that you are using I would have “tug-able” arrows in the direction of the moving parts that they can pull on and stuff happens.

Imagine your in laws selling their house, putting one of those on a trailer & ‘visiting’ you for a while :slight_smile:

If you want the player to be able to unpack the container so they are ‘building’ it themselves then I agree, tuggable arrows probably work best especially if they are only available at the right time for each action.

Who will be using this app and on what device?

this app is for regular gamers as far as who will be using it, and the device might be ps4, x box, pc, Nintendo etc.

You will need to decide what you are outputing on before i can help you more, as each of these platforms have very different inputs.

idk different inputs? x box, ps4, Nintendo all have just about the same input, a joystick, a few face buttons etc, but the real worry I was actually concerned over was controls with the mouse for pc.

Do you think on screen swipes in different directions according to the transformation would be cool feeling? Like Ōkami
on the DS, Spellcrafter: The Path of Magic on the IOS.

Also what other games have a good swipe system?

Why do you need complex controls? This seems more like a step-by-step guide, which could easily be solved with a ‘next’ button. Or, little Icons you can pick (1), (2), (3), (A), (B), (C). In that case, using fingers or mouse works the same. And the joystick, sort of jump-scrolls between the selectable buttons. Maybe I’m missing a sutbletly.


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I want a certain feel to the controls like a fighting game, forward + kick does a knee, but a flying/jumping knee attack maybe forward, forward + kick, because it’s a flying knee not just a regular knee attack a second forward is added to the move. I kind of mentioned it in the quote, but maybe this idea makes it clearer.


I am lost on what you are wanting. Why would you want something about a house to resemble a forward knee attack?

Like @El_Maxo asked, “Why would you want something about a house to resemble a forward knee attack?” Perhaps that’s just an example - meaning that you want the controls to be more complicated. And, the science would push back - SIMPLICITY wins, almost every time. In a product that is marketing a house, I cannot imagine ANY reason not to use dirt-simple controls - unless the goal is to alienate users.

If this house-unfolding-thing is supposed to be a game, then, you need to address a much more fundamental question. What are the goals, mechanics, and feedback that make it a game?


What you plan to do may be completely different, but I work in the architectural visualization field at the moment. Making stuff like you have mentioned. And there is one thing I cannot stress enough with my experience. Make it easy to use.