Need a couple of people to check my livestream for handpainted graphics

Hey guys,just a quick request!

8 months ago (WOOOOW time flies fast) i promised some people i would start streaming my methods on how i create my 2d graphics for games, and now the time has come to do that,finally.

Ive set up a new Livestream and followed some tutorials on how to get the best settings, so now i need a couple of patient individuals to check it for me while i stream, aswell as my microphone incase i have to explain a few things.

The annoyting part was that people could hear me tappin on my wacom so i have bought a new mic, but i fear its even worse because it it so sensitive to sounds.

So let me know, i wanna do this pretty quick so i can get thise series started for u 2d developers who needs graphics fast, aswell as some 3d enviroment texturepainting!

Let me know, ill be checking this back in about 10 minutes!


Is this going to be only a streamed series or are you going to make also YouTube Videos or allow to download the videos. Our artist is interested, but maybe she’s not around when you’re streaming :confused:

I’ll upload to youtube aswell to our gamedevelopment channel so fear not, she will be able to get to them:) The live part is just incase people want to hear my process while im doing it, ill still record it even if no one is watching, i live in norway so i think the majority will be sleeping when im awake:P

Sure, I’d like to see it.

alright ill post the link in a few, seems some verifying is going on in my channel. Ill have to wait for that it seems. Theres a chat so make sure to tell me how it looks, im trying to get HD but i see in livestream forums that it will probably kill any beastly computer, but ill test!

ok it seems to be ok, u can find my channel here:

Ill just let it run for a while and see how it treats my computer, if anyone enters it just let me know via chat how it looks. Ill be keeping my mic off since this is just a test

absolutely horrible to paint while streaming, its just too laggy while i work. Took literally 5 seconds for my brushstrokes to appear…sigh…oh well it got confirmed that the quality was ok atleast.

I was watching for a while before you went offline, quality was good - though I couldn’t read any of the text.
Didn’t notice any lag from the other end though :slight_smile:

Very nice artwork by the way, you should put some stuff up on the store (if you haven’t already)

dang… i wanna learn how to draw on the computer like that! :slight_smile: looks amazing!

Haha well thats why im starting this, the livestream sucks so ill be recording and using youtube, i need HD or ppl cant tell wtf is going. Ill be talking through what im doing and why so even programmers with basicly 0 artskilld can atleast make something decent. Oh and get a tablet even if u are a programmer, mouse simply doesnt cut it.

You haven’t met me then, because I’m beyond hopeless even with my wacom tablet.

Any recommendation on a cheaper tablet?

cheapest I belive is a bamboo pen and touch, very affordable and I started with one. Its weird learning to use tablets, it takes like a week to get used to it,just a little heads up.

Anywhere you would suggest getting it from? Amazon doesn’t seem to have any (at least not from sellers I want to trust).

oh any computer store really, I live in Norway so that’s what we use. . It is affordable, not a Wacom tablet tho.

i got a tablet, and i couldnt get used to it, it feels so weird to draw on the table, and it appears on screen… lol, i got really used to the mouse, ive done some okay art with the mouse… at least i know some techniques, but id love to get better… for precise pixel art, i dont know how could possibly use a tablet… too bad those wacom monitors are so dang expensive, that would rock to draw on i bet.

For an awesome cheap tablet head over to Monoprice, and get their re-badged 10X6.25 Inches Graphic Drawing Tablet for $50. It uses a US Logic digitizer. You want to ignore the packaged drivers and pull the ones from here. They are a bit more full featured, and allow you to switch from absolute to relative positioning should you have any jitter issues with certain programs, and OS combinations.

I have had mine for a few years now (bought it as my travel board,) and have used it with WinXP to Win8.1 and through the last several OSX variants with no real unresolved issues. There was one issue with jitter at extreme zoom in levels with certain setups (which the aforementioned driver option fixes,) and there was an issue with some Windows and Photoshop (or maybe it was Illustrator) version combinations that required the computer to have a Wacom driver installed (but not used) on the computer to activate the pressure sensitivity with the pen. I just kept a Bamboo driver on a USB stick just in case I ended up somewhere and needed it. Dual monitor support was hairy at first, but the drivers that I linked to fixed that issue as well.

I already had an Intuos Pro, but I would have skipped it if I had it to do over.

To me… it beats the cheaper Wacom Bamboo and base Intuos line every time. I would only suggest checking out the Pro line after you have a good feel for tablets in general, and plan on using the thing for 4+ hours every day. I was worried about nib wear (there is a slightly textured plastic flip cover over the digitizer that lifts up if you want to trace something) and battery life, but after several years I am still using the nibs that came with the tablet (I bought two extra packs which are collecting dust somewhere,) and I have changed the battery once.

For someone just starting out with a tablet I would suggest setting up the tablet to only use a small portion on the digitizer at a time. Don’t start out using the whole 10x6" space. Go into the settings, and reduce the area to something in the 3" to 5" range scaled to your screen ratio. Then as you become more proficient you can go back into the settings, and start to use more and more area.

They also have a re-badged Huion 610 Pro for $51, but the drivers aren’t as good supposedly. I have never used one of these so I do not know how it compares.

I’ve ordered one. I’ll get it by Sunday I think. Any suggestions on where to start as someone with absolutely no knowledge or skill when it comes to art? I’m pretty patient, so I don’t mind a long tutorial series or anything like that, if you have something in mind. :slight_smile: Thanks!