Need a few suggestions

So I am planning on creating some mini game like Linelight (will provide a youtube gameplay of it) to be part of my game. Before I start though I would like to hear few suggestions from anyone on how would you do movement in the game. I was thinking about dragging that little line that represents the player with mouse, but maybe it would be better for it to follow the mouse without even clicking anywhere. Some code suggestions of it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :slight_smile:

Here is some gameplay of Linelight:

Anyone got an idea? Still struggling in figuring out how to make it turn while moving.


Have you searched for Unity touch input tutorial?

Yeah I tried both dragging the player and making it move by following the mouse position, the problem is that collision is ignored that way, and my idea was making walls around the player so he can go just through the narrow path between the walls, but that idea goes down the drain, thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m still waiting for some suggestions here.

Hi again

Have you serched for Unity add force 2d tutorial?