Need a good tutorial for using alpha channels with emission maps...

I imported a building from Blender into Unity, for the shader i chose a 'Self-Illumin/Bumped Diffuse, and came across the problem of the entire building glowing instead of just some of the windows (which is how the emission map is layed out).

I watched this tutorial:

But when it comes to the part about using alpha-channels to make the map work properly, the guy just kind of ‘speeds up’ and doesn’t explain that well what he’s doing.

Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial on getting an emission map to work in Unity?

There’s A LOT to learn about Unity and game making, i don’t want to just ‘follow along’, i want to learn.

Thanks, Tom :slight_smile:

1st, are you using gimp or photoshop? What he is saying in the tutorial is that unity read the data for the emission map from the alpha channel of the normal and it needs to be saved in a format that supports 4 channels(RGB and A).

Since your entire building is glowing, I think you might not have anything in your alpha channel(hence the whole thing emitting).

This tut helped me add the spec map to my alpha channels in gimp, and it should be the same process for your emission channel:


Honestly guys, this is driving me nuts!

Can anyone tell me where they learned to use emission maps in Unity?

Your help is ALWAYS appreciated!

Tom :slight_smile: