Need a MMORPG Server Solution

I am starting a MMORPG so before I go ahead and start making it I just wanted to find some sort of solution to the networking as I will need some sort of master server that will host the MMO.

Purchase a server, and also purchase a smartfoxserver pro license. (totaling about $5k)

Looks like this is going to be expensive.

You might also want to check out Electroserver 5. During development you can use the free license and that can help defer costs until you are closer to completing your game.

I had a recent experience with smartfox server (1.6 version), all things working very well.
I recommend

I did originally start with Smartfoz but when ever I start it. It comes up with error java not a recognized batch file. I don’t know if this has something to do with Windows 7 although Electroserver seems to work I just need a tip on how to set it up with Unity.


If you look in the manual you will find a variety of example projects for using Unity3d and Electroserver.

Just had a quick look and I can find the examples so hopefully I will now be able to start with the networking.