Need A Picture

Can someone make me a picture or tell me how to make what I am about to desdribe. I want a picture of warfare, really cool, with WareFare Games under it, and maybe a little animation in it. Any help is thanked.

Dude, stop spamming same thread.

Also how does a warfare look like?

Never mind 2dfxman1, he is the resident negative nancy. I will gladly help by supplying you with exactly what you asked for.

Nothing says warefare and cool like Patton with a saber! Enjoy!

My pleasure, sorry doesn’t have any animation though. 2dfxman1, this is what warfare looks like:

Ok Ok, I’ll be nice, here’s a contribution.

That’s a great effort, but there is a typo in it. He requested that the text be 'WareFare Games"

Ok I fixed it.

We’re both still wrong, missing E’s. I actually had an E in there but it got hit by some grapeshot from the pirate ship that’s offscreen to the right.

Sir, your post is full of win.

thanks guys =D

If you seriously want someone to make you a picture, you need to provide a lot more information and offer something in return. The fact that you say “it’s just a picture” just shows you that you have no real clue what an artist does and how long it would take. If you cannot afford to pay someone for their hard work, then at least offer an exchange of something, like code help or modeling or something you’re good at that is a fair exchange for the art work. You also need to provide with dimensions you want.

21 Pages of them here : bigstock picture search for warfare

Just make sure the license of the pic you want ok’s games usage.

This picture is shit(lol pun)
There’s no black ops.

Give him another 10 minutes and there will be.

Yes but there are back ops :smile:

I never said art isnt easy to do, I love art, iv drawn ever since I was like 5 and im really good at it, its just i cant find a program to make a really good picture with.

You are kidding, right?

he is 14 and he didn’t find Gimp. YAY

Really good at drawing and unable to find an app to draw in do not mix.