I need Universal RP, 14.0.7. I can’t use any other version. I just need 14.0.7. I tried looking in the unity github under “Graphics”, but I couldn’t find a branch tag even close to this #. (why do the tag #'s end so early in that github repo? where are the more recent tags in that repo?) And I can’t seem to specify a specific version in the package manager’s “Load by name”. And I can’t see previous versions listed by the current universal RP, only the latest version. I tried exiting Unity and changing my manifest properties to an older version, but it won’t load it. it keeps loading the latest. What’s going on here? I just want to download the tarbal package for this, directly, no fuss. Can that be done?
NOTE: I can go to the URP’s changelog, specify “add version 14.0.7 by name” and it will switch to my open project in Unity, open the package manager, and pre-fill-out the package name and version. If I press “add” it says “unable to find the package with the specified version” This seems like a bug. I can’t find the tarball anywhere either. I can’t seem to get to the right branch/tag in the github repo. What’s going on here?
Why is that? Have you tried 14.0.8 to .11? I doubt this is markedly different from x.x.7 since that’s essentially just more patch (bugfix, quality) updates and shouldn’t negatively affect the project.
Are you using a unity version of the time that 14.0.7 was out, or, a newer one? Im wondering if it isnt working because the newer version isnt listed as compatible with 14.0.7
Kind of looking for an answer to why I can’t find the tag for 14.0.7 in the git tags listings. What git repo can I get this branch from?
did adding it by name and version not work?