Need advice workflow Rhino to Unity

I try create a cube then Save As FBX. Unity can recognize this cube. I apply material to this cube in Unity.
Then I came back Rhino create a sphere. Then Save As FBX same name with previous( confirm replace ). Unity can recognize new sphere. However the material I apply to cube will be move to new sphere (lost material for cube).
What happen?

Hi @unity_hBlkocuLEv0Tqg ,

What do you mean by “lost material for cube”?
Could you maybe share screenshots to understand better what is happening?


Hi @DiegoDePalacio_1
Follow my steps. This is 2 screenshot:
Come back Rhino> create a sphere> save as same name

Ok, I think that I know what you mean.

When you went back to Rhino and created a sphere… Was such a sphere in addition to the cube that you already had in your FBX, right?

What I can recommend to you in order to establish a proper workflow between Rhino and Unity is one of 2 options:

  • Export the sphere in a separated and different FBX in order to avoid unwanted results during the importing process; or
  • If you really want to have multiple geometries on the same FBX and having a specific importing results while replacing it, you can use the AssetPostprocessor callbacks to automate how the materials are applied to each of your pieces.

You can find more information about how to use the AssetPostprocessor callbacks here: Unity - Scripting API: AssetPostprocessor

Good luck with your project!