Need advice

So, I am not sure where to post this on the unity community site, and don’t want it to come out as begging or unscrupulous. The reason I am asking on here it to get a quick answer on where to make the post.

I am 24 and mostly self-taught programmer (Just watching tutorials, researching the internet, and reading.) I currently know C#, and can read unity’s javascript. I am not a complete beginner, I like to think I am at a novice level. I can’t go to school to learn at this time so I’ve been teaching myself slowly for the past 2 years. But I just feel as if I can’t find the right resources due to not being able to spend my money on courseware or schooling, or am just simply stuck. I am looking to see if there are any like-minded people who enjoy programming as much as I do, and would like to learn together. Or even better if someone who could mentor me in their spare time. Programming is more than just a hobby to me, and I want to learn enough to one day have a career doing it. If anyone has some advice for me as to where to post something like this please let me know.

Hello. Some of the best teachers I learned from are:

P.S. Maybe this question should have went on the Unity Forums