We are paying customer for Unity Support and billable CCD account.
We need our questions properly answered:
To CCD Staff:
We need to create CCD projects and buckets that are populated by third party software not Unity Editor.
In particular geometry assets e.g. we need to upload .obj files into CCD for very exotic shapes.
CCD allows for direct uploads which we could immediately take advantage of. Mind you we already built our own system for such operations for about a year now, but pieces of functionality are missing which CCD provides rather well.
However no matter what we did we could not dow…
Currently we are eagerly staring at our network monitor to figure out how much data was downloaded by our Addressable code.
We need a better tool or somehow add some code in our project to measure the inbound data.
FYI, we able to download scenes piece by piece so CCD looks stable and working well at our level of demands.
Some uncomfortable, again, documentation issues with the sample C# code ... sigh... I finally found the problem and workaround, I try to post it here to attract attenti…
Tim had mentioned something about folders or sub-folders and I like to learn more about them.
Example: We have an Anime character as you saw in our demos.
We like to re-dress her, change the weapons and even the mocap animations. Either the player requests new content or the game controller ransom select.
We know how to do that in previous Unity settings, we need to learn and understand how to do that in CCN Bucket scheme.
Simple snippet of lines of code or some sample project would d…
Please file a bug report for each instance and leave the case number in this thread, then Unity staff can track it.
And where should I do that?
What is the purpose of this forum? If I have to do all the work myself.
You’re welcome to use the forums to post about the issue but bugs take a different route due to the amount of false positives. I’m sure you can see that, right?
I appreciate the response and courtesy. I was not aware of the bug submitting mechanism, I thought the forums people did that.
You were of great help.
I had Addressables forum to address some of the issues, but the operational side of the CCD needs to be supported here and , they are no bugs they need to be tracked and analyzed at CCD end.
Hi @darashayda ,
Thanks for your feedback and for using CCD, we will be looking on this issues and come back to you.
Please ignore any abrasive language at my part, and tonight I shall scrub my posts.
As I indicate I value CCD staff and quite disappointed at 3 weeks of silence.
But it is best to focus my language on technical matters.