need feedback on logo

i am currently working on a horror game,i just starting working on it,making the GDD and level plannig,and for fun al starde workin on a simpel logo for the game and i want to hear your feedback :wink:
so that i now if i can use it later when the game is finished

thx in advances :slight_smile:

The light emits a glow but the letters don’t, both are clearly visible. Keeping all the letter visible, add a value gradient to make the parts near the lamp lighter and perhaps add a bit of the yellowish color. That should make it look much better. Also if you carefully draw highlights on some of the letters by the lamp that can make it pop more.

thank you for your constructive feedback, much appreciated :slight_smile:

looks like its comin along!

some ideas to toss out there ?

it looks like ur going for an aggressive/mysterious look?
i think some heavier cracks that fully separates parts of letters would help with some depth and grunginess
also it semi looks like the lantern is floating under the C, i think some heavy chains that ties the lantern to the C would be cool,

i also agree with making the side with the light be a little brighter, have highlights and shadows coming from the light, i think this would make it really cool for an animated logo if you make this into a small intro video with the light shaking back and forth a little

Interesting logo, looks pretty good, but since you asked…

Personally I’d move the lantern to hang off the ‘L’, having it on the ‘C’ makes the logo feel unbalanced to me, it would also help in lighting the letters more evenly should you go that route.

I’d also shrink the lantern to about half its size as at the moment it competes too much with the logo for ‘importance’.

Not sure why or if the ‘C’ really needs to be larger than the others, since its all caps i’d try all letters the same height.

Other than that, improving the lighting as mentioned by previous posters would be a good step.

The first letter in a word is typically capitalized, some font draw each letter in the capitol shape but still use a larger version for the capitol letter. However, yes you’re right, if you look at any movie poster logo, they never make the first letter bigger.

yea i was thinking of making it in de menu you dat you see the lamp go back and forth a little that and afdichting the light, that wil be very cool indeed :slight_smile:

Btw way i saw you protfolio,you have some nice project there :slight_smile:

thanks happy you enjoy! :smile:

@dreamHead I was looking through your portfolio and one piece stood out to me, I have to say something. The orange box with the two legs and the walkway leading to a door. The topology of that model has many edges that don’t do anything to change the shape. You should tweak them to get rid of the perfectly straight dimensions of the box part.

I liked the green one “Rapture” the best.

yea your right but my portfio is bit old so need to update it soon hahah,but thx for the tip :slight_smile:

Logos fine imo, but I have to say, its a bit backwards working on the logo first (i know where youre coming from with doing it though)

yes I know, but I just wanted to do something else,but I did not expect that people liked the logo already :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey dreamhead. I had some free time, so I actually designed a version of your logo. The lighting is a bit more accurate and the whole thing is a little more subtle. It’s not perfect (I don’t have that much free time), but you can let me know if you like it.

…and once Photobucket is back online, I’ll be happy to show it to you… grr

ow wow thank you :slight_smile:
I’m very curious what you’ve added

NIce logo, a bit of light from the torch on to the letters would be nice, and maybe a tiny amout of backlight behind the letters

yea i kow that becuse the leters where render in 3d max and lamp was add in photoschop,that why the light looks a bit off,but i am glad you like it already :slight_smile:
and thx for tip much appreciated :slight_smile:

I would suggest that if it is a horror game, have the lantern laying on it’s side on the bottom, not attached to anything, potentially broken and burning out. In my mind this would more likely evoke fear over a loss of control and the impending darkness.

I did a bit more stylization with the glow around the lantern too. Let me know what ya think.

I like the original lamp more, but the letters are better :smile:

yeah i was thinking of use in that in the game menu,je see the lamp on the ground flickering en then when your perss strat the licht wil go out en start :slight_smile:

this a new logo this one was just for the fun of it i was a bit bored :stuck_out_tongue:

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