NEED HELP!!!! Addressable can't release RenderTexture properly.


I am getting below error on build.

I am using
Unity 2020.3.38f1
Addressables 1.20.5

I tried to put release manually just in case on Unload but its not working. = null;

        Camera[] comp = FindObjectsOfType<Camera>(true);
        Debug.Log("camera count:" + comp.Length);
        foreach (var c in comp)
            if (!c) continue;

            Debug.Log($"Found camera '{}' - resetting targetTexture");
            if (c.targetTexture) c.targetTexture.Release();
            c.targetTexture = null;

Have you managed to fix this? We are having a similar issue with URPs internal RenderTextures not being unloaded. Also using Addressables.
Unity 2022.1.20f1

we had the same issue in one of our projects, not sue but there was a related bug reported, you can check it out and vote it to speed it up at