Hi! I’m new to programming and unity. I want to create a simple game for the pc, android or iphone. The idea is that you have 10 seconds to tap or click as many times as you can and then get a score. Simple. I’ve programmed a 10 second timer and a click counter. But I want my game to look clean, like this:
OK. So what’s the part you are having trouble with? How does what you have now differ from the mock-up above, and what have you tried to get it closer?
Find a good looking font and change the font size? You can photoshop a blue background and get the light/dark effect. Other than that I don’t understand what you are asking.
Your game sounds more like something for practice.
Go to 1001freefonts.com and get a good font. The rest (e.g. colors) is trial and error on your side - see what you like most.