Everything that comes straight from Blender to Unity comes through a python importer script. Its behavior has subtly changed over the years. It might best if you export it yourself as FBX and import that instead, but that introduces an extra annoying step in the art toolchain.
Here’s more random Blender3D → Unity3D knowledge to help you experiment:
Blender3D import FBX:
Often distortions can come as a result of modifiers and/or scales existing through your transform hierarchy. In Object mode in Blender, always have your rotations set as (0,0,0) and your scales set as (1,1,1) otherwise you will have issues. You can apply those transforms in Blender.
Unity runs this script to import your Blender files via transient FBX export:
The script that Unity uses:
More on fixing it:
There are no “mesh files” from a standard Blender import. Unity imports a Blender file as a series of different assets depending on what you put into it in the first place: GameObject, MeshRenderers, Meshes, Materials, etc.
All Unity does when it imports a blender file is call the Unity-BlenderToFBX.py script (located in your installation of Unity) and imports stuff.
If you recently upgraded Unity, around Unity2019 or so, they changed what they imported, so it will reshape EVERYTHING in your i…
Blender3D objects used as trees / detail in Unity3D terrain (See the second half of this response)
This might be because your scene includes the default camera and lights. Unity started importing those with its default Blender import script starting sometime in Unity2019 and it will break a lot of prefabs.
You can either a) remove the Camera and Light and everything except the LOD group objects (properly named), or you can modify the Blender import script embedded in Unity. This means you would need to re-modify it every time you switched to a new version of Unity, but I was …
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