Need Help: director timeline asset Controller another director play different timeline asset in track clip

Object A has a PlayableDirector.
Object B has both a PlayableDirector and an Animator.

In A’s TimelineAsset, there is a track with three clips (playableAssets)

  • In the first clip, I want B to play TimelineAssetB_1.
  • In the second clip, I want B to play TimelineAssetB_2.
  • In the third clip, I want B to play TimelineAssetB_3.

My approach is to create the Playable for TimelineAssetB_* within the clip (i.e., the playableAsset) using CreatePlayable, and then pass that playable to A’s PlayableGraph to manage and control its playback.

Here is my code for the custom PlayableAsset implementation:

    public class ControlPlayableAssetEx : PlayableAsset
        public TimelineAsset sourceObjectTimelineAsset;
        [SerializeField] public ExposedReference<GameObject> sourceGameObject;

        public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go)
            GameObject sourceObj = sourceGameObject.Resolve(graph.GetResolver());
            if (sourceObjectTimelineAsset != null && sourceObj != null)
                var playable = sourceObjectTimelineAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, sourceGameObject);

                return playable;

            return Playable.Null;

but it doesn’t work. B do nothing when A play the director.

anybody can teach me how to do
TimelineAsset B

TimelineAsset A

PlayableGraph Visualizer

Visualizer: Animation Layer mixer input weight is 0 in Animation track