I need help on how to edit AndroidManifest so I can upload to oculus store for submission but I cant figure out how to do it read about apktool but instructions are very vague and cant figure it out I would be grateful for any help or a link with a step by step on how to edit
ok got manifest to copy to assets/plugins/android but now I am getting error
CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources.
C:\Users\Anthony\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\24.0.3\aapt.exe package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M AndroidManifest.xml -S “res” -I “C:\Users\Anthony\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar” -F bin/resources.ap_ --extra-packages com.oculus.Integration -S “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Dead End\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\OVRPlugin\res”
AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘icon’ with value ‘@ref/0x7f020001’).
AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘label’ with value ‘@ref/0x7f030001’).
AndroidManifest.xml:5: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘label’ with value ‘@ref/0x7f030001’).
Src: () C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Dead End\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\OVRPlugin\res\values\values.xml
Src: () AndroidManifest.xml
Resource Dirs:
Type values
Src: () C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Dead End\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\OVRPlugin\res\values\values.xml
Including resources from package: C:\Users\Anthony\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platforms\android-24\android.jar
applyFileOverlay for drawable
trying overlaySet Key=app_banner.png
trying overlaySet Key=app_icon.png
applyFileOverlay for layout
applyFileOverlay for anim
applyFileOverlay for animator
applyFileOverlay for interpolator
applyFileOverlay for transition
applyFileOverlay for xml
applyFileOverlay for raw
applyFileOverlay for color
applyFileOverlay for menu
applyFileOverlay for mipmap
Processing image: res\drawable-xhdpi\app_banner.png
Processing image: res\drawable-ldpi\app_icon.png
(processed image res\drawable-ldpi\app_icon.png: 98% size of source)
Processing image: res\drawable-mdpi\app_icon.png
(processed image res\drawable-mdpi\app_icon.png: 99% size of source)
Processing image: res\drawable-hdpi\app_icon.png
(processed image res\drawable-hdpi\app_icon.png: 99% size of source)
Processing image: res\drawable-xhdpi\app_icon.png
(processed image res\drawable-xhdpi\app_icon.png: 99% size of source)
Processing image: res\drawable-xxhdpi\app_icon.png
(processed image res\drawable-xhdpi\app_banner.png: 93% size of source)
Processing image: res\drawable-xxxhdpi\app_icon.png
(processed image res\drawable-xxhdpi\app_icon.png: 98% size of source)
(processed image res\drawable-xxxhdpi\app_icon.png: 98% size of source)
(new resource id app_banner from xhdpi-v4\drawable\app_banner.png #generated)
(new resource id app_icon from ldpi-v4\drawable\app_icon.png #generated)
(new resource id app_icon from mdpi-v4\drawable\app_icon.png #generated)
(new resource id app_icon from hdpi-v4\drawable\app_icon.png #generated)
(new resource id app_icon from xhdpi-v4\drawable\app_icon.png #generated)
(new resource id app_icon from xxhdpi-v4\drawable\app_icon.png #generated)
(new resource id app_icon from xxxhdpi-v4\drawable\app_icon.png #generated)
UnityEditor.Android.Command.Run (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi, UnityEditor.Android.WaitingForProcessToExit waitingForProcessToExit, System.String errorMsg)
UnityEditor.Android.PostProcessor.Tasks.TasksCommon.Exec (System.String command, System.String args, System.String workingdir, System.String errorMsg, Int32 retiresOnFailure)