need help for a simple Android VR application using bluetooth controller


I am a newbie on unity and I would like to create an interactive VR application for my android smartphone (LG G2 Kitkat) with Durovis headset and a bluetooth controller (PS3 Sixaxis). The idea is quite simple : move in my house in VR.

I play with some Durovis games/app using my bluetooth controller connected to my smartphone. It works pretty well.

But when I tried my application based on Cardboard or Durovis assets, I can’t move in my scene when the application is launched on my smartphone (OK on my PC using keyboard). I guess I missed something !

Please could you help on this first steps ? I didn’t find tutorial about using bluetooth gamepad controller.

Also, which asset should I start with ? Cardboard or Durovis SDK ?

Thanks for your help !

Have you set the controller in the input manager?

hi richard_fr

as far as i know,
the problem is that different joysticks have different buttons/axis mapping.
there are no standard in this area

it’s up to the appli to deal with that or not (hard coded to one joystick type or some sort of option to chose the mapping according to the joystick used)

hope it help

Hi all,
Good news, I got it working starting from the Dive demo project.
But not yet when starting a project from scratch. I will check the input manager (I let the default setup for now)