Hi guys, for some reason my aeroplane script will not allow me to pitch upwards can you guys have alook at it thanks.
var flyer : Transform;
var flyerRigidbody : Rigidbody;
var seaLevelTransform : Transform;
// Assorted control variables. These mostly handle realism settings, change as you see fit.
var accelerateConst: float = 5; // Set these close to 0 to smooth out acceleration. Don’t set it TO zero or you will have a division by zero error.
var decelerateConst: float = 0.065; // I found this value gives semi-realistic deceleration, change as you see fit.
/* The ratio of MaxSpeed to Speed Const determines your true max speed. The formula is maxSpeed/SpeedConst = True Speed.
This way you wont have to scale your objects to make them seem like they are going fast or slow.
MaxSpeed is what you will want to use for a GUI though.
static var maxSpeed : float = 100;
var speedConst : float = 50;
var throttleConst : int = 50;
var raiseFlapRate : float = 1; // Smoother when close to zero
var lowerFlapRate : float = 1; // Smoother when close to zero
var maxAfterburner : float = 5; // The maximum thrust your afterburner will produce
var afterburnerAccelerate : float = 0.5;
var afterburnerDecelerate : float = 1;
var liftConst : float = 7.5; // Another arbitrary constant, change it as you see fit.
var angleOfAttack : float = 15; // Effective range: 0 <= angleOfAttack <= 20
var gravityConst = 9.8; // An arbitrary gravity constant, there is no particular reason it has to be 9.8...
var levelFlightPercent : int = 25;
var maxDiveForce : float = 0.1;
var noseDiveConst : float = 0.01;
var minSmooth : float = 0.5;
var maxSmooth : float = 500;
var maxControlSpeedPercent : float = 75; // When your speed is withen the range defined by these two variables, your ship's rotation sensitivity fluxuates.
var minControlSpeedPercent : float = 25; // If you reach the speed defined by either of these, your ship has reached it's max or min sensitivity.
// Rotation Variables, change these to give the effect of flying anything from a cargo plane to a fighter jet.
var lockRotation : boolean; // If this is checked, it locks pitch roll and yaw constants to the var rotationConst.
var lockedRotationValue : int = 120;
var pitchConst = 100;
var rollConst = 100;
var yawConst = 100;
// Airplane Aerodynamics - I strongly reccomend not touching these…
private var nosePitch : float;
private var trueSmooth : float;
private var smoothRotation : float;
private var truePitch : float;
private var trueRoll : float;
private var trueYaw : float;
private var trueThrust : float;
static var trueDrag : float;
// Misc. Variables
static var afterburnerConst : float;
static var altitude : int;
// HUD and Heading Variables. Use these to create your insturments.
static var trueSpeed : int;
static var attitude : int;
static var incidence : int;
static var bank : int;
static var heading : int;
// Let the games begin!
function Start ()
trueDrag = 0;
afterburnerConst = 0;
smoothRotation = minSmooth + 0.01;
if (lockRotation == true)
pitchConst = lockedRotationValue;
rollConst = lockedRotationValue;
yawConst = lockedRotationValue;
Screen.showCursor = false;
function Update ()
// * * This section of code handles the plane's rotation.
var pitch = -Input.GetAxis ("Pitch") * pitchConst;
var roll = Input.GetAxis ("Roll") * rollConst;
var yaw = -Input.GetAxis ("Yaw") * yawConst;
pitch *= Time.deltaTime;
roll *= -Time.deltaTime;
yaw *= Time.deltaTime;
// Smothing Rotations...
if ((smoothRotation > minSmooth)&&(smoothRotation < maxSmooth))
smoothRotation = Mathf.Lerp (smoothRotation, trueThrust, (maxSpeed-(maxSpeed/minControlSpeedPercent))* Time.deltaTime);
if (smoothRotation <= minSmooth)
smoothRotation = smoothRotation +0.01;
if ((smoothRotation >= maxSmooth) &&(trueThrust < (maxSpeed*(minControlSpeedPercent/100))))
smoothRotation = smoothRotation -0.1;
trueSmooth = Mathf.Lerp (trueSmooth, smoothRotation, 5* Time.deltaTime);
truePitch = Mathf.Lerp (truePitch, pitch, trueSmooth * Time.deltaTime);
trueRoll = Mathf.Lerp (trueRoll, roll, trueSmooth * Time.deltaTime);
trueYaw = Mathf.Lerp (trueYaw, yaw, trueSmooth * Time.deltaTime);
// * * This next block handles the thrust and drag.
var throttle = (((-(Input.GetAxis (“Throttle”))+1)/2)*100);
if ( throttle/speedConst >= trueThrust)
trueThrust = Mathf.SmoothStep (trueThrust, throttle/speedConst, accelerateConst * Time.deltaTime);
if (throttle/speedConst < trueThrust)
trueThrust = Mathf.Lerp (trueThrust, throttle/speedConst, decelerateConst * Time.deltaTime);
rigidbody.drag = liftConst*((trueThrust)*(trueThrust));
if (trueThrust <= (maxSpeed/levelFlightPercent))
nosePitch = Mathf.Lerp (nosePitch, maxDiveForce, noseDiveConst * Time.deltaTime);
nosePitch = Mathf.Lerp (nosePitch, 0, 2* noseDiveConst * Time.deltaTime);
trueSpeed = ((trueThrust/2)*maxSpeed);
// ** Additional Input
// Airbrake
if (Input.GetButton ("Airbrake"))
trueDrag = Mathf.Lerp (trueDrag, trueSpeed, raiseFlapRate * Time.deltaTime);
if ((!Input.GetButton ("Airbrake"))&&(trueDrag !=0))
trueDrag = Mathf.Lerp (trueDrag, 0, lowerFlapRate * Time.deltaTime);
// Afterburner
if (Input.GetButton ("Afterburner"))
afterburnerConst = Mathf.Lerp (afterburnerConst, maxAfterburner, afterburnerAccelerate * Time.deltaTime);
if ((!Input.GetButton ("Afterburner"))&&(afterburnerConst !=0))
afterburnerConst = Mathf.Lerp (afterburnerConst, 0, afterburnerDecelerate * Time.deltaTime);
// Adding nose dive when speed gets below a percent of your max speed
if ( ((trueSpeed - trueDrag) + afterburnerConst) <= (maxSpeed*levelFlightPercent/100))
noseDiveConst = Mathf.Lerp (noseDiveConst,maxDiveForce, (((trueSpeed - trueDrag) + afterburnerConst) - (maxSpeed * levelFlightPercent/100)) *5 *Time.deltaTime);
// Calculating Flight Mechanics. Used mostly for the HUD.
attitude = parseInt(-((Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, flyer.forward))-90));
bank = parseInt(((Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, flyer.up))));
incidence = attitude + angleOfAttack;
heading = parseInt(flyer.eulerAngles.y);
if ( seaLevelTransform != null )
altitude = (flyer.transform.position.y - seaLevelTransform.transform.position.y);
//Debug.Log ((((trueSpeed - trueDrag) + afterburnerConst) - (maxSpeed * levelFlightPercent/100)));
} // End function Update( );
function FixedUpdate ()
if (trueThrust <= maxSpeed)
// Horizontal Force
transform.Translate(0,0,((trueSpeed - trueDrag)/100 + afterburnerConst));
flyerRigidbody.AddForce (0,(rigidbody.drag - gravityConst),0);
transform.Rotate (truePitch,-trueYaw,trueRoll);