need help for my idle Game

soo i have 2 questions i want to ask :
first i have floors and i want a boss apears every 5 lvl my code was this :

function Update()
        if(floor == 5 * Random.Range(1, 100))
         //but i dont want it to be random so just calculate if floor is equls 5 or numbers multiplaed by 5

second one is that i want my gold show in billions and triillions etc
for example if i have 100,000,000 show it as 100M

thats all hope my thread was understandable

also i want to know how to make the game work offline which means that players will keep progressing while offline and get gold etc


Depending on how far you are going to go, one thing to think about: what happens when you’re score is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 …? after a while you can’t represent the numbers with just one datatype. You’ll need to work out a way hold the values and doing math with only the most pertinent significant figures. You’ll note with many idle games you only ever handle values within a few 0’s of each other.

okay thanks to fluzing the wiki page you gived me helped
so this is what i typed

if(floor % 5)
        Debug.Log("Normal Enemy");
    }else {
        Debug.Log("Boss Time");

now every 5 floors a boss will come

You are almost there, but you forgot the == 0.

if(floor % 5 == 0)
    //do boss time!

your code did work too anyway do u know what does the % mean i was wondering

It is the mod operator. It divides the first number with the second one and gives you the remainder.

109 % 20 = 9

but why is the = ?

why you didnt type (floor % 5 == 1) soo if the remainder is 1 then spawn boss
and typed if(floor % 5 == 0) the remainder here == to 1 soo why it did work