Need Help in Fixing this bug

Hi Guys, I am Karthik and I am a new person to the game industry and presently I am following one of the tutorial which i was found on the internet. Using that tutorial I am trying to develop a game by using unity 3D and When i was tried to execute the code it shows me ';' this character is missing, -->void HandleAnimation() // in this place { FindAnimation (); ProcessAnimation (); } -->void FindAnimation() // in this place also

The whole code is given below. Please have a loot at this and give me a solution. Looking for your reply guys.

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class AIscript : MonoBehaviour { //game objects (variables whjich point to game objects) private GameObject objPlayer; private GameObject objCamera;

//input variables (variables used to process and handle input)
private Vector3 inputRotation;
private Vector3 inputMovement;

//identify variables (variables specific to the game object)
public float moveSpeed = 100f;
private bool thisIsPlayer;

//calculation variables (varibles used for calculation)
private Vector3 tempVector;
private Vector3 tempVector2;
private int i;
// animation variables (varibales used for processing animation)
public float animationFrameRate = 11f; //how many frames to play per second
public float walkAnimationMin = 1; //the first frame of the walk animation
public float walkAnimationMax = 10; //the lasr frame of the walk animation
public float standAnimationMin = 11; //the first frame of the stand animation
public float standAnimationMax = 20; //the last frame of the stand animation
public float meleeAnimationMin = 22; // the first frame of the melee animation
public float meleeAnimationMax = 30; // the last frame of the melee animation
public float spriteSheetTotalRow = 5; //the totzl number of the column sprite sheet
public float spriteSheetTotalHigh = 4; //the total number of the rows of the sprite sheet
private float frameNumber = 1; // the current frame being framed
private float animationStand = 0; //the ID of the stand animation
private float animationWalk = 1; //the ID of the walk animation
private float animationMelee = 2; //the ID of the melee animation
private float currentAnimation = 1; //the ID of the current animation being played
private float animationTime = of; //time to pass beofre playing the next generation
private vector2 spriteSheetCount; //the x,y postion of the frame
private vector2 spriteSheetOffset; //the offset value of the x,y coordiante for the texture
public vector2 spriteSheetOriginOffset;

// Use this is for initialization
void start () {
	objPlayer = (GameObject) GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player");
	objCamera = (GameObject) GameObject.FindWithTag ("MainCamera");
	if (gameObject.tag == "Player") { thisIsPlayer = true; }
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
	FindInput ();
	ProcessMovement ();
	HandleAnimation ();
	if (thisIsPlayer == true)
		HandleCamera ();
		-->**void HandleAnimation()** // handles all animation
			FindAnimation ();
			ProcessAnimation ();
		-->**void FindAnimation()**
			if (inputMovement.magnitude > 0)
				currentAnimation = animationWalk;
			} else {
				currentAnimation = animationStand;
		void ProcessAnimation ()
			animationTime -= Time.deltaTime; // animationTime -= Time.deltaTime; subtract the number of seconds passed since the last frame, if the game is running at 30 frames per second the variable will subtract by 0.33 of a second (1/30)
			if (animationTime <= 0)
				frameNumber +=1; //one play animations (play from start to finish)
				if (currentAnimation == animationMelee)
					frameNumber = Mathf.Clamp(frameNumber,meleeAnimationMin,meleeAnimationMax+1);
					if (frameNumber > meleeAnimationMax )
						/* if (meleeAttackState == true) // this has been commented out until we add enemies that will attack with their evil alien claws
							frameNumber = melleAnimationMin;
							currentFrame = frameStand;
							frameNumber = standAnimationMin; */
						} // cyclic animations ( cycle through the animation)
						if (currentAnimation == animationStand)
							frameNumber = Mathf.Clamp(frameNumber,standAnimationMin,standAnimationMax+1);
							if (frameNumber > standAnimationMax)
								frameNumber = standAnimationMin;
						if (currentAnimation == animationWalk)
							frameNumber = Mathf.Clamp(frameNumber,walkAnimationMin,walkAnimationMax+1);
							if (frameNumber > walkAnimation)
								frameNumber = walkAnimationMin;
						animationTime += (1/animationFrameRate); // if the animation FrameRate is 11, 1/11 is one elventh of a second , that is the where we waiting before we play the next frame.
					spriteSheetCount.y = 0;
					for (i=(int) frameNumber; i > 5; i-=5) // find the number of frames down the animation is and set the y coordinate accordingly
						spriteSheetCount.y +=1;
					spriteSheetCount.x = i - 1; // find the x coordinate of the frame to play 
					spriteSheetOffset = new Vector2(1 - (spriteSheetCount.x/spriteSheetTotyalRow), 1 - (spriteSheetCount.y/spriteSheetTotalHigh)); //find the x and y coordinate of the frame to display
					spriteSheetOffset += spriteSheetOriginOffset;
					yourGameObjectVariable.renderer.materail.SetTextureOffset ("_MainText", spriteSheetOffset); // offset the texture to display the correct frame

void FindInput ()
	if (thisIsPlayer == true)
		FindPlayerInput ();
	} else {
		FindAIinput ();
void FindPlayerInput ()
	//find vector to move
	inputMovement = new Vector3 ( Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"),0,Input.GetAxis("Vertical") );
	// find vector to  the mouse
	tempVector2 = new Vector3(Screen.width * 0.5f,0,Screen.height * 0.5f); 
	// the position of the middle of the screen
	tempVector = Input.mousePosition;
	// find the position of the mouse on screen
	tempVector.z = tempVector.y;
	// input mouse position gives us 2D coordiantes, I am moving Y coordiante to the Z coordiante in temp Vector and setting the Y coordinate to 0, so that the vetor will read the input along the X (left and right side of the screen) and Z (up and down of the screen) axis, and not the X and Y (in and out of the screen) axis 
	tempVector.y = 0;
	inputRotation = tempVector - tempVector2;
	// the direction we want face/aim/shoot/ is from the middle of the screen to where the mouse is pointing 
void FindAIinput ()
void ProcessMovement ()
	rigidbody.AddForce (inputMovement.normalized * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
	transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (inputRotation);
	transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, transform.eulerAngles.y + 180, 0);
	transform.position = new Vector3 (transform.position.x,0,transform.position.z);
void HandleCamera ()
	objCamera.transform.position = new Vector3 (transform.position.x,15,transform.position.z);
	objCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (90,0,0);


The problem is that you are defining new methods (e.g. "void HandleAnimation()") inside the Update() method. Every new method that you need should be defined outside Update() and only called inside Update(). I think that you copy-pasted most of the code inside your Update() method from another script or resource. Try and take all that code(methods HandleANimation, FindAnimation and ProcessAnimation) and place it outside the Update() method.

-->void HandleAnimation() is a syntax error. If you want to write a comment start the line with // or surround a whole block with /* */ (same as the comment block if (meleeAttacState == true) ...